Building 24

Building 24 1109 Bern Road, Wyomissing, PA


Landhaven Bed & Breakfast 1194 Huffs Church Road, Barto, PA, United States

The full Hot Club of Reading at the wonderfully unique and acoustically special former general store in beautiful Barto PA.

Canal Street Pub & Restaurant

Canal Street Pub 535 Canal Street, Reading, PA, United States

Hot Club of Reading Trio

Building 24

Building 24 1109 Bern Road, Wyomissing, PA

Jazz on the Avenue

Yocum Institute for Arts Education 3000 Penn Ave, West Lawn, PA, United States

Come celebrate music at Yocum Institute for Arts Education with the exciting, new monthly series – JAZZ ON THE AVENUE. With exceptional performers, an acoustically astounding and intimate space, the concert experience at the Yocum Institute is like no other. TICKETS

Hot Club of Reading Trio

Canal Street Pub 535 Canal Street, Reading, PA, United States

Canal Street Pub-trio

Canal Street Pub 535 Canal Street, Reading, PA, United States

Miller Symphony Hall

Miller Symphony Hall 23 N. 6th St., Allentown, PA, United States

Part 1920s New Orleans, part 1930s Paris, the Hot Club of Reading combines Gypsy jazz with hot jazz to create an acoustic amalgam that really swings.